Friday, April 17, 2015

Official: Steve Dowling is the new "Vice President of Communications" at Apple

 Steve Dowling, who replaced Katie Cotton at the head of the communications department, occupies now officially the seat of "Vice President of Communications" in Cupertino, as evidenced by the new  organigramme  to the Apple site.

The new VP of Apple occupies the corporate communication strategy, including the media, and leads the team public relations and employee communications and internal events of the company.

After  le départ de Katie Cotton  of Katie Cotton, a very contrasting personalities in Cupertino, rumor lent to Tim Cook intends to appoint a person in his position "friendlier and more affordable" to manage the company's press relations. Steve Dowling, a former journalist joined CNBC in 2003 at Apple, held since last year the acting position, and would have been in competition with Nat Kerris -a spokesman for the Pomme- to formally manage the communication of the California firm . 

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