Monday, January 25, 2016

IPad Pro € 798 instead of € 919

 If you are looking for a lower cost iPad Pro, this is the best ever seen on the price entry level model with 32 GB of storage, golden color: it is proposed to   828,95 €  of  PriceMinister, the promotional code "SIM30300" can benefit from an additional discount of € 30, bringing the total to € 798.95 while the tablet is normally sold € 919 at the  l'Apple Store.

Note that this is an iPad imported from the United States, which provides it as interesting fare. An adapter is provided for the iPad can be connected to the French sockets, and the international Apple warranty provides support in the French Apple Store if needed. Only real twist: delivery times are a little long with up to twelve days of waiting. You have until midnight tonight to qualify for this offer if it interests you!

Update 12:27: The "SIM30300" code is no longer available. However, the "WINTER" code still works and allows you to benefit from a discount of € 15: So the total passes € 813.95.

10.11.3 OS X and iOS 9.2.1 available

 As usual, Apple just enjoy a Tuesday night to upload software updates. On the Mac side, it's OS X 10.11.3 that is available, and on the side of mobile devices is iOS 9.2.1 which is available to the general public. As you can see from the screenshots below, Apple provides very little detail on the innovations brought by these two fixes: this is probably as bug fixes and performance improvements.  

To update your devices, it's very simple. On Mac, go to the App Store, which is located in the Apple menu in the top left of the screen and select the Updates tab and install what is offered. On iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, go to the Settings app and click "General" and "Software update". And remember, as always, well regularly back up the contents of your various devices!