Friday, May 31, 2013

Tim Cook: Apple will open up its APIs (update: video)


Tim Cook: Apple will open up its APIs (update: video):
Tim Cook Apple will open up its APIs

Tim Cook's had a lot to say today at D11, from talking about wearables to the next versions of iOS and OS X, and he just gave devs for those software platforms a bit of good news. That's right, folks, Tim Cook has pledged that Apple will open up its APIs more, but "not to the degree that we put the customer at risk of having a bad experience." When pressed about giving developers the ability to build better experiences and present customers with more choice -- like say, having access to Swype or SwiftKey -- Cook defended Apple's current, more restrictive policies saying that "the customer pays us to make certain choices on their behalf." So there you have it, the folks at Apple only let you use the stock software keyboard on your iPhone because you paid them to do so.

Update: Check out the video of Tim Cook's statements after the break

Follow along with our D11 liveblog right here.
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