Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The new iPhone 5s to € 359.90!

Promotional offers on the iPhone 5s are definitely becoming more and more aggressive! This time it is at   Bouygues Telecom that the Apple phone is on promotion, with 16GB models  359,90 €.    The same models are normally to 509 € at the  l'Apple Store  : the discount is 30%! You have until Wednesday, February 10 to enjoy.

This is of course of new models, and you do not have the obligation to subscribe to a package or be an existing customer to enjoy.However, there is a rather important subtlety: you must use the "IPHONE5S" code to receive a discount of 50 € first, but via a rebate offer (you can find details here) that you can recover the remaining € 50. Fortunately, the claims may be made on the internet and you do not have mail to send.

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